Last fortnight I was 'talking shop' with a colleague over tea. We were sharing the difficulties of the teaching profession. My colleague had been a teacher all his adult life but was completely disillusioned with his profession and declared that he no longer wanted to be a teacher, actively contemplating to start life anew, selling 'commodities'. He was known to be a good teacher and it shattered me completely to hear that he saw no future in his chosen profession.
Where are we headed as teachers? What is the true role of a teacher in this technology-laden, information-saturated world of ours?
The profession seems to be in a crisis...teachers no longer enjoy the teaching-learning process, we no longer seem to share a caring relationship with our students... the 'emotional connectedness' is missing. Teachers complain about low salaries but are actually lamenting the fact that there is no 'soul' in teaching...we are drifting, rudderless in a vast sea. We are more concerned about our home-loan mortgages, car loan EMIs and the latest gizmo in the market than in learning about our art and bringing passion to it.
This web log is an inspired attempt to understand the practice of teaching and give voice to the practitioner...his trials and tribulations, angst at the system, his hopes and aspirations. It is an attempt to explore the the teaching-learning process...what does it mean to be a teacher? and hopefully, help the teacher to rediscover his love of teaching.
Where are we headed as teachers? What is the true role of a teacher in this technology-laden, information-saturated world of ours?
The profession seems to be in a crisis...teachers no longer enjoy the teaching-learning process, we no longer seem to share a caring relationship with our students... the 'emotional connectedness' is missing. Teachers complain about low salaries but are actually lamenting the fact that there is no 'soul' in teaching...we are drifting, rudderless in a vast sea. We are more concerned about our home-loan mortgages, car loan EMIs and the latest gizmo in the market than in learning about our art and bringing passion to it.
This web log is an inspired attempt to understand the practice of teaching and give voice to the practitioner...his trials and tribulations, angst at the system, his hopes and aspirations. It is an attempt to explore the the teaching-learning process...what does it mean to be a teacher? and hopefully, help the teacher to rediscover his love of teaching.
its good sir that you have started a blog, many a time we are not able to express our thoughts and developments due to lack of time. I think this blog will provide an insight in genuine people
ReplyDeleteThank you for the response...looking forward to your comments
ReplyDeleteनमस्कार राजेशजी,
ReplyDeleteअध्ययन और अध्यापन दोनों ही महत्व के विषय हैं. आपने सही इंगित किया, कि अध्यापन इन दिनों गंभीर बदहाली और कंगाली के दौर से गुज़र रहा है, यह समस्या मूलतः समस्या नहीं है, बल्कि सामाजिक विघटन और क्षरण का स्वाभाविक परिणाम है. हम सभी (आमजन) वास्तविक आत्मिक और मनोगत अमूल्य गुणों का महत्व समझने के बजाय भौतिक सुखों को इकट्ठा करने की भागदौड़ में लगे हैं. इसके गंभीर दुष्परिणाम अब स्पष्ट दिखाई दे रहे हैं. प्रश्न यह है, कि हम मुठ्ठी भर लोग अपने प्रयासों से क्या कुछ सकारात्मक करने का प्रयास नहीं कर सकते ? मेरा विश्वास है, कि हम कर सकते हैं. आपको साधुवाद और शुभकामनाएँ